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“DSM” PLANT of crushing and screening machine building – is a manufacturer of mining equipment, crushing and screening plants and factories in Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States countries.

Highly qualified personnel, research experience, modern technology made it possible to create a wide range of products that meet the basic needs of consumers.

Our own design office, using computer-aided design, is actively working on the modernization and development of new manufactured samples.

Excellent product quality is achieved by using advanced technologies, highly qualified staff, well-developed control system at all stages of production - from the analysis of the input of raw materials and components arriving at the factory, prior to the tests of finished units.

“DSM” PLANT of crushing and screening machine building produces a wide range of crushing and screening equipment and has been constantly developing new models and upgrading existing ones.

The following crushing and screening equipment is manufactured and supplied:

  1. Crushers
  2. Feeders
  3. Screeners
  4. Conveyor
  5. Classifiers
  6. Asphalt plant
  7. Mortar mixing and concrete plant
  8. Crushing and screening plant

In addition, you can buy high-quality spare parts and components for the above equipment at the best price.

70+ different
The shortest
delivery time

Order form price list

Укажите свои контактные данные и мы вышлем Вам необходимую информацию

Application form for equipment

Укажите свои контактные данные и мы вышлем Вам необходимую информацию

Download questionnaires

Questionnaire for crusher

Questionnaire for feeders

Questionnaire for ДСУ

Questionnaire for conveyors

Questionnaire for screening equipment