ДСУ with performance Q=250 m3/h

Crushing machines are high technologies devices with a wide range of functionality. Construction of crushing aggregates is clearly thought out and structured. Its central elements are: crusher, feeder, conveyor, sometimes installation with a screener h to perform screening, and control mechanism. Thus, the crushing aggregates combine all features of mechanisms included in it.

The line includes:

ПозицияНаименованиеКол-во, шт.
1 Feeder plate ППДМ-1-15 (ПП 1-15-60) 1
2 Jaw crusher ЩДЗМ–9Х12  (СМД-111) 1
3 Aggregate of secondary crushing included in the impact crusher ДСМДР–75 (СМД-75А) 1
4 Vibrating bar grizzly screen ГДСМТ-52 (ГИТ-52) 1
5 Screening aggregate as a part of the screener ГДСМС-62 (ГИС-62) 1
6 Screening aggregate as a part of the screener ГДСМС-63 (ГИС-63) 1
7 The conveyor belt КЛДМ-1000-20 (ДРО-914) (l=20 m, b= 1000 mm) 1
8 The conveyor belt КЛДМ-800-20 (СМД-152-40) (l=20 m, b= 800 mm) 10
9 The conveyor belt КЛДМ-650-25 (ДРО-932) (l=25 m, b= 650 mm) 1
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Questionnaire for feeders

Questionnaire for ДСУ

Questionnaire for conveyors

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